
Become a member

Apply for new membership or renewal early to save! Early bird pricing is available until May 1st of each year.

All are welcome to become a member of the AHAA. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us below. Come and join the fun!

Benefits of Membership
  • Club Liability Insurance coverage
  • Advertising and marketing opportunities
  • Access to the many other benefits and services the AHAA offers

membership fees

Before May 1st

Single: $35.00/year
Family: $50.00/year (includes 2 adults and all children under 18 years in same household)

After May 1st

Single: $45.00/year
Family: $60.00/year (includes 2 adults and all children under 18 years in same household)

Please complete the online form below and provide an etransfer of funds to